Friday Night Cocktails

by , under Food Friday, Thoughts on This and That, Thoughts on This and That

So sometimes, having a cocktail  just seems like the right thing to do: Friday night with the mother-in-law and (drinking age) son was definitely the right time! A blast from the past with Old Fashions and White Russians on the menu, and presto! We are having a impromptu intergenerational party.  Sometimes a festive moment is just what you need – enough said!

I do not claim to know anything about mixing drinks, despite the fact that one of my college roommates was a bartender. So the proportions are really up to you but here are some guidelines:

For a White Russian, mix 2 parts Vodka, 1 part Kahlua, 2 parts Half&Half over ice cubes.

For an Old Fashioned, mix 1 shot of Bourbon, a few dashes of Angostura Bitters. One sugar cube and a few dashes of water over ice with a couple of maraschino cherries.

Add a bowl of salty peanuts and an old movie, and the weekend is off to a good start. Cheers!


  1. underthecapehoneysuckle

    We have a tradition here – Friday night snacks. We just do appetizers and drinks, crowd around the island in the kitchen, or cozy up on the patio outside if it’s nice out and enjoy one anothers. With older (drinking age) kids, they sometimes rush off to other events for the evening, but for a little while, we are all together! 🙂

  2. Henny Hall

    Ellen……you may love to read our comments but I love to read your work. Love ya…HH


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